Our Four Phases
We start by working with the Metlakatla community to identify and select priority values that will be tracked by our program. In preparation for the next phase of work, we organize people and resources to manage those values. The second phase focuses on developing community-based monitoring programs to assess the condition of priority values. Then we set tiered management triggers and actions for each value, which establishes whether we are in a good place with each value or not. In the fourth phase, we work with our Values Teams and the broader community to develop and implement action strategies that will protect and improve the condition of values over time. Each CEM cycle ends with learning and evaluation, as well as plans for ongoing monitoring and management. This includes ongoing tracking of the big-picture of development, future scenarios and climate change impacts. The CEM Program will continue to play a coordination role in managing a value and implementation of action strategies.
1. Rooted in Metlakatla’s Values
What does Metlakatla care about and want to protect? Selecting priority values for CEM and setting goals for those values is a community-based process, supported by research. Every 1-2 years, we will hold the Metlakatla CEM Gathering to identify and select a set of priority values with clearly defined indicators and goals.
Learn More2. Gathering Knowledge
What is the condition of Metlakatla values? Our team will work with Metlakatla leadership to organize people to work on each value through Values Teams. One of the first things that the Value Teams will do is develop a community-based monitoring program for each value, to track the condition of priority values over time as well as any key stressors exerting pressure on those values.
Learn More3. Setting Management Triggers & Actions
When does Metlakatla start getting worried about values and decide to act or ramp up action? The Values Teams with support from our team set tiered management triggers and actions for each value. Management triggers help Values Teams determine whether a value is in a good place or not. Each value will fall into one of three management zones: the standard (green) zone, the cautionary (yellow) zone and the critical (red) zone.
Learn More4. Taking Action in CEM
How does Metlakatla take action to manage values? The Values Teams with support from our team work with the broader community to develop and implement a tailored management action strategy to protect or improve the value. The actions and the urgency, scale and stringency of effort needed are driven by whether the value is in the green, yellow or red zone, whether a trigger is being crossed and other Metlakatla priorities.
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